Sunday, December 31, 2006

Jessi's Dance Recital

This blog entry starts out with Jaydn's new haircut. What a good-looking kid (and cool Idaho shirt, too)!

Last night Jessi danced in a recital, what they call a fiafia, which is basically a night of food and dances from the south pacific. Jessi had a traditional Samoan dress made for their number, and, of course, she looked great in it!

I couldn't just stand there and take pictures, though; I had to get an arm around my sweetheart.

We arrived at the "beach resort" at 7:30 pm, for a show that was supposed to start at 8:30 pm. Of course, it didn't; we waited until 9:30 pm before it started. So, we walked around the resort and stood by the coast until the show started.

Here are Jessi and some of her friends who she danced with. Starting from the left, there's Carol, Hailey, Jessi, and Fua (with a stray dog behind them):

So, we just sat and waited for a while. Apparently, they were waiting for more people to come so they could make some more money. I could sit next to Jessi forever; no worries!

Here's a few other views of Jessi's dress and hair:

Finally, the show started. I got a seat in the front so I could video Jessi's dance. Her dance was about the fifth one in the show.

It was quite similar to the previous fiafia night we've been to a Sadie's. But this one had Samoan drummers pounding drums so loud your eardrums would burst. Besides my ears, it was a fun night.

Here are some shots of Jessi's dance. She stood in the back row, on the far left side:

Another friend took these pictures. I was taking the video below. I think I didn't have quite the right angle, because Jessi is behind the front girl (Fua) for part of the dance. But you still get to see quite a lot of Jessi dance. She did fabulous!

There's also another video of another dance involving a different, rather inexperienced hip-shaker (namely, me). I'm not putting that video on the blog, though.

Remember, when you watch the video, Jessi starts out in the back on the far left. In the middle of the dance, she comes up to the front for a while. Then she moves back to the back again.