Sunday, December 24, 2006

Looks Like it's Not Going to Be a White Christmas

Well, here we are, Christmas Eve. And not a lick of snow. In fact, it's greener and hotter today than it was a month ago. In the states, I anticipated and appreciated the four seasons. Christmas was special not only for its special meaning, but because it signified something new.

Here, I gain a different appreciation. In church today, I appreciated something constant--the Gospel. No matter where I go, the Gospel touches hearts and brings us together as one. We really enjoy the Church family. I also enjoyed the fantastic Samoan Christmas decorations in the chapel.

The Samoan seasons are Summer, Summer, and Hotter Summer. It is true that the green can wear on you, just like people from St. George, Utah will tell you that all they see all the time is red.

But actually, the green of Samoa and the Gospel have something in common. Both make me grateful for immortality and eternal life, gifts far greater than any gift we could receive. Life grows constant in Samoa; Christ gave us eternal life. And isn't that what Christmas is all about anyway?

I guess Christmas without snow won't be so bad after all.