Saturday, April 07, 2007

Alega Beach

Yesterday (Good Friday) we went to Tisa's Barefoot Bar & Grill; the Samoan name for the beach is "Alega Beach." While Good Friday is not a day off of work in the states, it is here. It was one year ago on Good Friday that I found out I had passed the Idaho Bar (so the "Good" part of the day took on an additional meaning).
When we arrived, Tisa asked me, "so have you come to use my beach?" Um, yeah. It's still strange to think that whole beaches can belong to one person or a family.

The sand at Tisa's is probably some of the best on the island. Another perk is that it has lots of shady trees.
Jaydn has a new hobby when we come to the beach--catching crabs. Not the really big ones, of course.

Jaydn and his friends like to catch hermit crabs and put them in one centralized location. They caught quite a few here.
Below are our good friends Jason and Krista Corry (and their two boys above).

Jessi and Krista cooling off in the water--

Little sandwich eater--

Jaydn and his friends enjoyed the rope swing.

This is little Nate Roth, Jay and Carol Roth's boy, 18 months old. What a cutie. Who couldn't resist taking a picture of this face?

What a nice beach day!